Well, That Didn’t Work & Potato Leek Soup

Well, as you can probably tell, food blogging everyday didn’t quite work out. It’s difficult, and we went out of town, and it made things very difficult. So instead, we’re going to blog from time to time, about meals that were yummy! So basically you still get good ideas for meals, and we’re not stressed out trying to cook something every night, which is extra important since Kris has two night classes this semester.

So last weekend, we made Potato Leek Soup, and it was pretty dang good.

We started with a recipe from the Food Network, and just added more potatoes than it called for. We served this soup to friends for dinner, and prepared all the leeks the night before to make it go a little faster the next day. In addition to just cutting them up, we put them in our food processor so everything would be the same size and it saved some time.

I would suggest seasoning the soup heavily, I felt like I was overdoing it, but when it was done, it could have used a little more seasoning. We also chose to serve green onions, cheddar cheese and crisp turkey bacon on the side to make the meal just a little interactive.

With this soup came a perfect side, these panins.

We switched these up a bit, too, instead of using chicken fingers, we just used chicken lunch meat. This made these sandwiches super easy. Also, we left out the basil leaves, because it sounded a little overkill to us. But the pesto mayonnaise is what made these amazing. We just put them on our little George Foreman Grill which grilled them perfectly. Our guests loved them, and we did too. We even are planning on making them again really soon!

Day 63: Vegetables and Hashbrowns

Kris talked about wanting hashbrowns for dinner tonight, so we went with it! I really wanted to eat some veggies mixed in though. So we sauteed up some onions, bell peppers, mushrooms and garlic in a pan with a little olive oil, and then mixed in the hashbrowns and cooked them according to the package. Easy enough, and absolutely delicious! Pair it with some eggs and you’re good!

Day 60: Sausage and German-style Potato Salad

Today’s grocery trip was completely unplanned, which is very unlike us. But it worked out perfectly for today! I knew I wanted to try this German-style Potato Salad, but had no idea what to have with it. But Kris came to the rescue and knew that sausage would go perfectly.

Executive Decisions

  • I added garlic to the potatoes
  • We grilled the sausage

How was it?

It was delicious! I absolutely loved the potato salad! It took a little bit of time, but it was so worth it.

Things We Would Change

  • I thought the potatoes themselves could have used a bit more flavor, so maybe more vinegar with the potatoes earlier would have been better.

Day 58: Doesn’t Matter What You Call It…

Because it wasn’t going to be eaten. We threw some roasted vegetables and some red wine, balsamic vinegar, chicken and a whole bunch of other yumminess into the slow cooker. Boy, was I excited. Then I got home from work, and on first glance noticed the completely disgusting looking food in the cooker. And that was that. Sometimes it doesn’t matter how good you think the food should be, or how good it smells. If it looks absolutely disgusting, you can’t always make yourself eat it. That’s your lesson for the day!

Day 56: Pudding Tarts

Ok, another easy fast dessert. This post is going to be a little on the short side, since this is something I just made up really quick this evening.

Basically, take pre-made small graham cracker tart crusts, and your favorite pudding (I chose chocolate) and put them together. Let the pudding set in the tarts, and then add some whipped cream on top! My friend, Kendall, told me that Reddi Whip makes a low fat whipped cream, and it’s only 5 calories a serving, so no reason to feel guilty. And that’s that! Easy and absolutely delicious!